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Klimateknik System Srl
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Klimateknik System Srl
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0 stars: Fara rating 10 pareri
#24123 din 24123 de Companii din Servicii
Membru Gratuit din 2007
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Scrie o parere
Klimateknik System Srl Klimateknik System Srl 0765252155 Prunaru. 6, Bucuresti, Bucuresti
Produse si servicii

montaj, intretinere si service echipamente frigorifice casnice si industriale: camere frigorifice, depozite frigorifice, vitrine frigorifice, agregate si centrale frigorifice

Tipul companiei

Prestator servicii

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Anul infiintarii


Despre noi
Suntem prezenti pe din 2007!
Stimate Domn \ Doamna,

Klimateknik System SRL este mandra sa introduca servicii de inalta calitate pentru tehnologii de racire si congelare.

Bazat pe medii de inalta tehnologie si de evolutiile tehnologice care sunt adaptate pentru calitatea serviciilor noastre.

Klimateknik System SRL ofera servicii tehnice pe mai multe tipuri de sisteme de racire si sisteme de congelare cu o cunoastere tehnologica ridicata.

Scopul companiei noastre este bazat pe client pentru a maximiza satisfactia si fericirea clientilor.

Klimateknik System SRL urmeaza continuu cunostintele si know how in medii de ultima tehnologie pe plan mondial si se adapteaza acestor noi tehnologii pentru clientii ..

Ca atasament, puteti vedea prezentarea companiei noastre. Va rugam sa fiti atat de naturali, si nu ezitati sa intrebati orice fel de intrebare, daca aveti nevoie.

Cu stima,

Dear Sir \ Madam ,

Klimateknik System SRL. is proud to introduce high quality services on cooling and freezing technologies.

Based on high technology environments and technological developments are adapted on our service quality.

Klimateknik System SRL provides technical services on many types of cooling systems and freezing system with a high technological knowledge.

Our company goal is based on customer to maximize customer satisfaction and happiness.

Klimateknik System SRL continuously follows the knowledge and knowhow on the last technological environments on worldwide and adapt those new technologies to the customers.

As attached, you may see our company presentation. Please be so kind, not to hesitate to ask any kind of question if you need.
Sincerely Yours,

Neacsu George / General Manager
Klimateknik System Srl

Installation and Service Department
Prunaru, Str. 6, Sector 1
Bucuresti P.C. O14553

Tel./ Fax: O21/22169O8

Mob: O765252155 / O786151837
Din Gura in Gura